I'm proud to announce two big news about my photographer work.
First, I started publishing photo books! I created the brand Melubooks, that will publish the catalogues of my exhibits and thematic collections of photos. They will be sold at the exhibits, but the complete collection - already six titles - will be available at a new shop.
Then, I opened a new personal gallery, called Minimum Gallery! This name refers to the main style of my photo works; the gallery will host exhibits along with the other two spaces I dedicated to my photos, at Time Portal and at PAC.
The Gallery hosts as a first exhibit "Small Pieces of Nothing", a show that's an extension of the one titled "Nothingnesses", permanently exposed at my studio at PAC.

The photo books, as well as a selection of Art Deco items, are also available on MarketPlace.
Access to both Minimum Gallery and Melubooks shop is provided by a Teleport placed in a cabin called "Melu Space"at my parcel in Lunula region, my beloved homeplace since I started my SL. From the TP you can reach also my Melu Deco main store, where I gathered all the Art Deco items I created under the brand Melu Deco since 2010.This way I put together the two activities that "make" my SL since a long time, that of photographer and that of Art Deco furniture creator.
Access to Melubooks and Melu Deco shops and to Minimum Gallery
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